Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sean Meehan

To whom it may concern,

It is with a great sense of dismay that I learn that the future vitality of the London Musicians Collective (LMC) is threatened due to a withdrawal of support by the Arts Council of England.

For decades the LMC has set the benchmark for the presentation and preservation of experimental and avant-garde culture, and in doing so has earned an international reputation. Internationally, the cannon of British experimental music has had a significant impact on the arts world and should be considered a national treasure as well as a great cultural export. The depth and breadth of the influence of the British avant-garde is a direct result of the significant work of the LMC to present, promote, and preserve it.

One of the greatest measures of civility is the prosperity of a society's culture. I ask that you please reconsider any cuts in the funding of the London Musicians Collective and invest generously in this exemplary cultural institution. The future success of the LMC will validate the history of the British avant-garde and bear witness to its illustrious future.

Sincerely yours,

Sean Meehan


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