Saturday, January 12, 2008

Burkhard Stangl

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We appalled to hear that LMC is threatened. LMC is one of the most
important organisations we know in Great Britain concerning
experimental, improvised and actual music. To be invited to perform
at the LMC-festival was and is a honour for every musician, worldwide.

We hope from the bottom of our heart that you are responsive to our's
pleas: Don't stop the support and funding for LMC. It would be a
cultural disaster for London, England and the musical world not
having the LMC.

Some private words as well:
Me, composer/performer,I played at LMC two times, 1995 and 2007. The
concert with the ensemble Polwechsel in the year of 1995 was an
important step of my and our carreer. And I'm sure there are a lot of
other muscians too who can share the same experience.

Please, don't withdraw the LMC's funding!!!

Burkhard Stangl
(chairman of contemporary music fünfhaus, Vienna)


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