Barry Weisblat
It is quite easy to understand why funding for an organization like the
LMC could and perhaps would dwindle to the point of non existence. I can
see how a sponsor of such an organization might find it more worthwhile
to attach there name and redirect their support for bigger and glitzier
causes...Although my thoughts may be inline with a minority I believe it
has been a wonderful, sensitive gesture that Ben Drew and the rest of the
supporters of the LMC have given a stronger voice to creative minds that
do not feel the need to flash lights, preach, or market for attention....
A dandelion, to some, is a weed that needs pulling and discarding....for
others it is a rich source of has been the LMC's sharing of
little known art and information, including concert festivals, radio
broadcast and an impeccable online archive...which not only would be
missed but would help in creating a difficiency in nourishing many
inquisitive minds.
Barry Weisblat
LMC could and perhaps would dwindle to the point of non existence. I can
see how a sponsor of such an organization might find it more worthwhile
to attach there name and redirect their support for bigger and glitzier
causes...Although my thoughts may be inline with a minority I believe it
has been a wonderful, sensitive gesture that Ben Drew and the rest of the
supporters of the LMC have given a stronger voice to creative minds that
do not feel the need to flash lights, preach, or market for attention....
A dandelion, to some, is a weed that needs pulling and discarding....for
others it is a rich source of has been the LMC's sharing of
little known art and information, including concert festivals, radio
broadcast and an impeccable online archive...which not only would be
missed but would help in creating a difficiency in nourishing many
inquisitive minds.
Barry Weisblat
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